Software engineer since 2003. LinkedIn profile here.
Writing Flutter apps and teaching others Flutter since 2018.
Why This Course Is Unique
Lean: only critical Flutter features, nothing superfluous
Realistic: code organization, architecture and recommended 3rd party libraries
End-to-End: state management, working with JSON, API integration, etc
Creating our first screen with Scaffold
Layout Basics, Column, Text, Image and StatelessWidget
Lists using ListView, leveraging Models and Navigation
StatefulWidget fundamentals
Form basics with TextFormField, Checkbox and RasiedButton
Fetching data with web services using json_serializeable
Managing state and reactive widgets with scoped_model
We'll create a concept app called "Tourism & Co.". The app will present beautiful travel destinations where folks can read up on the details and booka trip.
Finalized Course Code
The source code for the resulting example app we created in this course.